Cat hates smell.. Buy a small pack and try it first Although it clumps wellmy cat objected to the smell. I introduced it gradually but once litter was pure world's best kitty pooped on the floor instead of in the litter. Switched back to clay and she was fine again.
World's Worst Cat Litter I would rate this 0 if that choice was available. I tried this product this summer when they offered fullcost sans tax rebate. My 9 year old cat who's NEVER had a problem urinating in his litter box suddenly stopped using it and used my kitchen cabinet instead!. Luckily I caught him the 2nd day. I was so ?$#* I called World's Worst Cat Litter 800 number to complain. The CS rep told me I should have started using their product by slowly adding small amounts to my old litter.Gee I must have missed reading that on the bag.Instead of donating the litter to the local shelter I threw it out. Free isn't worth the smell of cat urine!BTW the World's Worst Litter isn't cheap. I've had no problems using the cheap litter from the local bigbox store.
Love it! Been using this litter for about two years now. Surprised to see any less than fivestar reviews! I scoop it every night it clumps just as well as clay ever did for me and I love that I don't have to worry about Kitty inhaling clay dust. My only concern is inhaling GMO corn particles wish it was nonGMO.
My cat gives it one star Some people keep their best dishes in a cupboard and their best guest towels on a little shelf never to be touched. Maybe World's Best is the kitty litter equivalent because I've had 15 pounds of it sitting in the closet for a month now.I've bought this brand of litter before and liked it but it must have been a different formula. I could tell right away that this was different it was a much rougher texture than the last bag. I mixed it in with some of the old litter and hoped my cat wouldn't notice.Well she noticed all right. She takes a keen interest in litter changes and likes to oversee the job to make sure it's done right. She is usually quick to christen a fresh pouring. This time she sniffed walked all over it and pranced off to chase a longlost bottlecap. Give her time I thought.Later I was hit by a Stench.
A very good litter with one major drawback I used World's Best for about three years and really liked it for that whole time. It's lightweight has a pleasant but unobtrusive odor clumps well and isn't dusty. My cats liked it fine. In short I still really like the positive aspects of this litter.All this refers to the World's Best in the green bag the other type they sell has a nasty and fairly strong smell.So why the low rating? Since this litter is made from corn it's edible. As a few other reviewers have remarked that means pests may be attracted to it as food. In my case I discovered mice had invaded my apartment apparently just to get at the litter despite my five cats. Over the years I've also seen roaches around the litter boxes so they may have been eating it too.I like the idea of a green biodegradable litter but not if it means mice running across my floor.
World's Best Cat Liter I started using this cat litter about 3 months ago. I have been trying to become more ecofriendly and changing to an earth friendly cat liter is important to me. I have four cats so it was important to find a liter that would not only clump well but not smell bad. I have to say that I have been very pleased with this product.It is flushable and septic safe. As long as I keep it scooped twice a day with 4 cats the odor is just a corn smellsince thats what it is made of. It last longer than most cat liters and there's no dust. The only con to this product is that it costs more than regular cat liters. I will continue to use Worlds Best Cat Liter.
MITE INFESTATION FROM THIS LITTER I have used WBCL for about 6 months because it is more environmentally friendly than clay litter. until now I have had no complaints. However yesterday I noticed what looked to be a layer of dust on top of the litter box and when I looked closely I realized it was a MOVING LAYER OF MICROSCOPIC MITES. and they are ALL OVER MY BATHROOM. I couldn't tell at first because the mites are very pale and very very tiny but once I started noticing them I saw they were covering COVERING my sink toilet shower tile floor TOOTHBRUSH everything. I am so disgusted. There must have been millions of them in the litter. they seem to be grain mites from what I can gather online and I'm not the first person to experience a bug infestation from World's Best Cat Litter. Oh my god I am never touching this stuff again.
great litter for us I have multiple health problems including asthma so I needed to find a litter that had the least amount of chemicals for myself as well as my kitten he needs a healthy environment too. My experience I have a long haired Persian kitten. He is fussy so we did a slow litter change mixing our old with the new and it worked out fine. I tried a couple of different also less expensive litters and they sticked to him. We had more litter on the floor and stuck to his little rump which means we went through the litter quicker. With Worlds Best he rarely has litter on his backside and paws which equals less mess on the floor. Regardless of litter we clean his box daily but we definitely smell the difference with this litter. It keeps the oder down.
dusty I have a black cat and after filling the litter box with this he came out of the litter box beige. I have never had a litter that stuck to the cats this much. I had to clean him he left dusty paw prints all over. Having that much litter on them that they would later ingest can't be particularly good for their health.
Much dustier than the MultiCat version I've been a huge fan of this brand of litter for years now since it makes the litter smell far less bad than clay/wood/paper/wheat and I don't have to change out the entire box after a week due to urine dust/tiny bits stinking up the whole box.However when my store only had this version available I gave it a try. My poor black cat comes out of the box with white legs every time she uses it. From her toes up about 3 inches is entirely coated in the fine cream colored dust in the litter. It tracks onto all of the furniture leaving 810 little perfectly formed paw prints and then she has to lick the rest off which isn't really good for her no matter what the litter is made of.The multicat version has far far less dust in it and the clumps seems less fragile. Even if you only have one cat get the red bag! Her feet rarely come out dusty with the multicat version so the house stays much cleaner too.
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This is a great post about Cat Litters