Love this litter! I used another clumping cat litter that I used for many years but it always made me cough. One day I decided it was probably bad for me so I tried about four different natural cat litters. This one is the best! I love the weight the odor or lack thereof and its clumping capability. It's terrific.
Smells like a forest! I am a chronic migraine patient and I'm hypersensitive to smells so it took me forever to find a cat litter that I liked we were using Tidy Cat Scoop that was not too perfumey and still did not leave the house smelling like cat which drives me nuts and we have three cats so that's always a concern. Then they went and changed the formula on us and they started making it more and more perfumey and it started to really bug my head so we started looking for something else. I was THRILLED to find this stuff!The other reviewers are correct when they say that the cats track it everywhere they do. And we have three longhaired cats so it gets stuck on their fur worse than most. But once they get used to the litter they learn to get it off their fur better although they do still track it. Swiffer Vacs work great for that. Once around the house if you have a hard floor and it's gone. If you've got carpet a Roomba is a good investment for anyone with a cat but I suppose it depends on the size of your place. Anyway I digress. But in my opinion cats track every litter on their paws the difference is that you see this stuff a bit more because it's a bit more flaky and isn't white like the clay stuff. But I guarantee you as an allergy/migraine person that clay stuff is still there on their paws when they walk out of the box. That's why so many people have houses that smell all catty or littery. You don't get that problem with this stuff you just smell wood shavings like a fallen tree or a piney forest. It's such a refreshing change!Full disclosure the stuff is pricey so it helps to mix a little of something else with it to make it last. I use the Fresh Step Crystals. This can also help if you think the piney smell is not fresh enough which I get if you're not used to it or if your cats are used to regular litter and don't want to use it. Your cats may also think it feels a little funny on their paws and may fuss about using it at first. Mine kicked up quite a fit. Much peeing on the side of the box for a few days. I stuck it out and now they prefer this stuff we have two boxes with this and one with the old Tidy Cat and they hardly ever use the old one anymore.Finally you will have to change this a bit more often than your typical clay litter and scoop a bit differently. It does clump but the clumps tend to fall to the bottoms and sides and break up a bit more easily. My cats are fussy so I find myself changing every 56 days rather than once a week like with the old litter.
The best litter I've tried in 10 years since I got Kitty I am not having the problems other people are writing about. I love how light this litter is. I don't notice dust or any smell at all and I have a sensitive nose just see my other reviews!. I think the people who don't like the smell are used to perfumey antiseptic smelling litters. My cat took to it right away.
Messy and Doesn't clump well We thought we'd try this out since we like the regular Fresh Step and it seemed light weight and more ecofriendly. However right away we noticed our cat created dust trails of this stuff as far as 10ft away. The litter is made of dust mulch so you can imagine it easily carries with their fur. I did not notice an odor until I opened the cat litter. It seemed to smell more than the regular Fresh Step. Also the litter did not dry out the poop as well so although it was clumpy sometimes I hit a mushy center. Yuck. Also the litter did not easily filter through my scoop so I had to shake vigorously or throw away piles of litter. I think I'll stick to the regular Fresh Step.
Lightweight and messy I recently got a cat after several years of being catless. I have tried several litters and thought this one might be a good green way to handle the kitty potty problem. About the only thing I liked was the lightweight bag that I bought at Walmart. Instead of a heavy bag or container this was a lightweight 3.3 pounds. But the texture is much like sawdust. Kitty seemed to like it okay but she tracked it everywhere. Scooping is difficult unlike clay type litters the urine clumps were hard to find and weren't actually dry when I did. The solid clumps were hard to find in the litter and a lot of sifting was required. I wanted to like this but it just didn't work for me. Next product to try is Ultra Micro Crystals. Look for a review on them soon.
Love it but not purfect! I so want to have a healthier cat litter box for my cat and a more natural experience for him.I really enjoyed using the Yesterday's News cat litter and I won't hesitate using that as it works great in the home and my cat has no issues with it. I really wanted to try something a little bit better to control odor although I am happy with Yesterday's News.As my cat is transitioning into chronic renal failure he is urinating a lot more in the litter box.After a week's use of Fresh Step Natural Step I can really sense that the odor control action is better than Yesterday's News.As for the absorption of urine I think I prefer Yesterday's News handling of this. I really do feel that with Fresh Step Natural Scoop I am throwing away a lot of product. The 3.3 lb bag says it lasts as long as a 20 lb bag of clay litter. Under my situation I will be lucky if the product does last me 2.5 weeks. I know I have to buy a smaller grilled cat scoop to see if I can extend and protect unused cat litter in the box rather than scooping up a good amount of the unused with the larger scoop which has bigger grills and doesn't allow for easy sifting.It is pricier than Yesterday's News as well.The other minus that FS Natural Scoop has is that there is a lot more mess of natural flakes of pine around the bathroom bedroom and sometimes into the rest of the home. This is where Yesterday's News has this beat.However I do like the softness of this matter and the better odor control.***I do love this product and so does the cat. But it's not purfect.
Good odor control..but does not last long I have been trying every kind of litter out there for my 10 lb female cat. My recent favorite was the fresh step crystals but I tried this because they said it was softer on cat paws.I like this because I think it does a better job of odor control than the Arm and Hammer product which gets a funky odor after mixing with the urine. This has almost no scent and absorbs the urine and feces odors quite well. I scoop my cat's litter box EVERY night because I simply cannot tolerate the smell of the litter boxbut when I use this there is no scent to come home to. My only issue is that they claim this small 3.3lb bag will last as long at the 18lb bagsbut this is not true. One bag barely lines the bottom of my litter box and I think I need two of these to last a week. maybe I throw out too much when I scoop? I wish you got more for the price.
Inferior to clay litter in many ways I had several problems with this litter 1. It is too light. While clay litter flows easily through the litter scoop this litter requires me to sift vigorously to separate the cat waste from the unused litter. It's like trying to sift flour. Furthermore this litter does not weigh the box down. My cat has flipped her litter box twice since I started using this. 2. It is too fine. It sticks to the cat when she leaves the box thus tracking litter all over the house. 3. It does not clump well. The clumps are very small so much scooping is required to clean out the box. Combined with the sifting problem cleaning out the box takes a long time and is inefficient. I am going back to clay.
A tradeoff from clay We've been using Fresh Step clumping clay litter for years with our cat and while it clumped well and never smelled bad I was kinda annoyed at how heavy it was. Since moving to NYC and selling our cars the prospect of lugging heavy cat litter back to the apartment was unpleasant to say the least. Which is why I decided to give this product a try. I didn't want to freak the cat out by all of a sudden switching the litter on her so I mixed it in gradually starting with a few handfuls mixed in to her usual litter to get her used to the smell and she seems to have made the transition just fine also the two types of litter seem to work fine mixed together . It's been a few weeks since I first started using it and while I'm glad to see it clumps well and doesn't smell bad there are a couple things that aren't ideal about it. Firstly it clings more to her paws so it tends to get tracked around more compared to the clay litter. I put a small piece of carpet in front of the litter box to help clean the cat's paws when she leaves the litter box and usually the majority of the clay litter would get picked up and contained in the carpet but the pine chips tend to stay stuck on her paws and does not get picked up by the carpet. Secondly though it's not really a big deal with me the litter doesn't fall through a slotted scooper by itself so you have to shake the scooper more to sift it.Overall this was a moderate success. It's definitely a fully functional alternative to the ridiculously heavy clay litter but I haven't yet made up my mind if the benefit of not having to lug heavy litter around is worth the extra vacuuming I need to do to clean up after it.
Augh This stuff if HORRIBLE!!! I have had cats for 18 years all indoor with litter boxes and this litter is by far the worst stuff I have ever tried!! It's an absolute nightmare! It gets stuck all over my two cat's fur one long hair and one short hair. It doesn't clump hard at all the clumps end up being demolished by the next box use. If your cat LOVES to dig and fling cat litter it will end up anywhere else but inside the cat box because it's super lightweight like sawdust my cats make a total mess all over the bathroom. The ONLY plus is that it is okay for odor control. I hate the scented cat litter and this has a nice pine scent.
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