Pretty Good Smells better and has much less dust than clumping clay litter. Our laundry room where we keep the cat boxes was coated in a layer of gray dust from the clay litter but the pine litter eliminates that. The only downside is that it is more difficult to sift the pine litter through a scooper without breaking up pee clumps. Overall definitely worth the switch.
Great Healthy Natural Product! Long lasting.. don't need to change as oftenGreat odor control..
We love this litter! We are so glad we discovered this product. Was attracted to it because of the fresh pine scent.It lasts way longer than regular cat litter. It definitely takes away the yucky smell of cat pee and poo!And I can just dump the stuff I scoop out in the woods because it's environment friendly!It's cheaper at my pet store than on line .
Feline fresh We have used this product for a while and it works pretty well as a general litter but the key is flushability. It is not as tight clumping as nonflush but still works well and controls odor. We havent used any other flushable brand but the reviews I have seen are accurate. The only thing is since it is basically sawdust small particles are pretty much everywhere since it is so light.
Yuk I was hoping to replace my dusty clumping clay litter with this as clay dust is not good to inhale by cats or humans. Unfortunately this product is VERY dusty and the fact that it's all natural doesn't make it any better to inhale into your respiratory passages.
Quite Good But VERY Dusty Having tried other nonclay litters that either didn't clump didn't help odor tracked horribly or the cats just didn't like or did like eat I'd say this is the best nonclay litter I've tried. The clumps aren't as sturdy as I might like but good enough to do the job. It is lighter weight which is nice. The pine smell is pleasant and doesn't seem to bother the cats one of whom is sometimes fussy. It's only downside is it is extremely dusty. A cloud forms so thickly each time I scoop that I have to wash my glasses afterwards. I had a navy polar fleece jacket on one day and the dust stuck to that so badly I had to throw it right in the washing machine. As the boxes are in the unfinished basement this has been tolerable but I'm hesitant to buy again. So if you are dust tolerant go for it but if the box is in a place that matters you might weigh other options.
Cat won't let me use anything else I can't use any other cat litter or my cat will not use the litter box. Overall though she's made a pretty good choice.ProsYou can flush this litterSmells pineyNaturalConsThe size of the litter pieces are pretty small and light. So it ends up outside of the box or in her long fur.Fresh Pine smell doesn't last that long 3 days?Clumping could be improved. There are often small clumps that fall through the scooper.I'd like to make one more comment about the smell the pine smell goes away in about 3 days but the litter isn't stinky until about 1014 days. I clean it often twice a day.
Doesn't Clump Horrible Tracking Dusty I don't know how this company can say this is clumping litter. What little sticking power it has is lost the minute the cat covers up or just moves around in the boxand don't even try to scoop it up without having it totally crumble no matter how carefully you come up from underneath. Since there's no color change you can't even tell where the dirty pieces are when that happens.It tracksall over the house. My clay clumping tracked only on the mats I have in the dedicated cat room. I now have sawdust in every room of my house.It's dustier than the clay litter I was using. This matters to me a lot since I have an asthmatic cat and trying this was just the latest in an ongoing effort to find something virtually dustless that he will actually agree to use. His head is staying dusty from using this.It does have good odor control.that's why I gave it the second star. But you have to like the smell of freshly cut wood I actually do because that's what your entire house will smell like.The cat likes it.to the point where he's going into the box just to play. He's 12 1/2 and has never done this before.
feline fresh scoopable clumping pine cat litter This litter is nice but I found it has only a little less dust from all other cat litters.
Something's changed recently with this product I've used Feline Fresh for about two years starting with the regular and then switching to the clumping type. I've been very pleased with it overall and my two cats took to it immediately and with no issues.I just bought a 34 pound bag however and when I first cleaned the litter box I had to do a doublecheck because it appeared as if I had gotten the nonclumping variety by mistake. But no the bag is clearly marked as Scoopable Clumping. However it just does not hold together. Even if you take great care when scooping out the urinesoaked litter it just crumbles into small bits. I did some searching online and discovered that other people have recently noted this problem. I don't know if Feline Fresh is going to fix this problem but this doesn't look good. They should be able to produce a consistent product.
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