Pay Attn Don't Buy This Product House Reeked I don't usually write reviews. However I decided that I really need to describe my experience with this product so that you can understand why some people give it 5 stars and some give it 1 or 2 stars. I have two Persian cats who will use almost any litter. So I decided to try this because of the commercials and the reviews on this site. While the litter does a decent job at first of clumping and covering urine smell it does nothing to knock down poop odor. Also it needs to be changed very frequently to cover up the urine smell. For the first time in the 11 years that I've owned my two cats my house actually reeked from the smell of the litter box. Even my cat sitter who is a vet tech and helps me out when I need to travel begged me to go back to a clumping clay litter.Don't ignore this post I don't have anything to gain other than to save you money and the annoyance of determining that you need to get rid of this stuff.
It smells worse than my cat's feces It smells so bad. I think my cat litters in it and doesn't track his feces because he too is repulsed by the smell of the cat litter.
For once the product name is appropriate My beloved 12 year old cat PuBare Scherezade developed asthma a few years ago. I wanted to get a dust free litter and after many experiments I discovered World's Best.I'm sad that several people are having one star experiences.PROSClumps like a rock!Smells a little like corn. Nice smell even right after use.NO dust. Really NO dust.My 3 adult cats share one Booda Dome box and have never complained about their litter or missed the box.Bright yellow color is easy to spot when it gets on the surrounding carpet. Easy to pick up for cleanliness.DISCLOSURE I usually buy the regular strength instead of the multicat. They work equally well I ge whatever is on sale. It's not on sale often so I buy 15 bags when it is on sale.CONSPricey.A really great product. Check on the single cat version.
Matches its name I did quite a bit of research before ordering this product for use in an automatic litter box. It does a great job of clumping and best of all as long as the cat covers over his business it kills the smell. I will continue ordering this product as long as I use this litter box. But be careful when you order because some of the listings for this product are eligible for free shipping and some are not.
Smells worse than poop! I picked this up because there was a coupon for it and I've been trying to find a litter that is more natural This litter clumps amazingly but it smells SOUR. I'm used to scooping the cat box but this litter smells worse than cat feces and urine. I'll definitely be switching back to something less repulsive.
World's Best Cat Litter is a better alternative I recently switched to World's Best Cat Litter Multiple Cat Formula because I wanted to avoid breathing the silica dust produced by ordinary clay litters and wanted to be more environmentally responsible. I have eight cats and 3 litter boxes. I've always been fastidious scooping the litter boxes at times scooping 3x a day. Visitors are always surpised to learn I have cats except when one cat conveniently decides to move his bowels as my guests are arriving!The World's Best Cat Litter does not produce dust. It clumps quite sufficientlyI use large slotted stainless steel spoons for scooping better than the plastic ones made for cat litter and the corn based litter will not stick to the box like cement nor damage my vacuum cleaner this is a huge plus as I use a Miele. On the downside the litter has an earthy smell that at times mimics the scent of a barn. Not offensive to me however I can see where some reviewers would find this odor repulsive. I simply clean out the box and top it off with fresh litter. I am also concerned about aflatoxins in the corn litter as a previous poster commented about. It could potentially cause irreversable liver damage. I am monitoring my cats closely.On the other hand ordinary clay litters scented and unscented mask odors much better than WBCL but the dust is awful and clings to everything including the walls. Imagine poor kitties breathing that dust with their noses level to the cat litter! The clay clumps better but it takes twice the amount of clay to absorb urine and I often have huge clumps cemented to the bottom of the litter box because my cats find it necessary to dig to China before relieving themselves. Clay litter is twice the weight of corn based litter so lugging boxes or bags of it to and fro make for back breaking work.
Yikes it stinks! I like several other people wanted desperately to love this product. I wanted my 5 cats to not have to deal with dust and tracking litter. I wanted not to deal with it either. I wanted people to seem surprised when they found out that I actually had 5 cats in my home. They were surprised but only because they thought I had 10 of the stinkiest creatures in God's creation. The smell was awful. Sure it covered up the smell of urine nicely. But the smell of feces was overpowering. I would wait by the litter and try to scoop it up immediately to avoid the stench. We stuck it out for a week until finally we could take no more. Maybe our cats are stinkier than the average cat but I doubt it.
CRITICAL WARNING!!! I purchased a bag of WBCL trying to change to something that would be healthier for my two beloved babies and to help the environment. Within two days of switching my four year old female became ill. After 10 days at the vet's and $1000 later my precious angel was dead from an acute liver failure. I was devastated and bewildered at how this could happen. When my male started showing the same signs I rushed him to the vet and we again starting treating him aggressively for acute liver failure. After hours of research I learned that corn left in a high humidity and high temp climate can lead to the growth of an unbelievably deadly and carcingogenic toxin known as Aflatoxin. This toxin directly attacks the liver and almost always leads to death. My vet doesn't want to get involved and other responses from the company I have seen state that they do not take responsibility for this. After removing the litter from my home my male began to immediately improve and it looks like he may survive.
I couldn't stand the smell. I would have given this product one star but I'm willing to admit that one of the things I don't like about it being flushable is simply my own personal choice. I tried this because I'm very particular about the litter box. I have 2 cats and I scoop our litter box twice a day and completely change it once a week. My husband suggest I try this litter after seeing a commercial for it. We decided that it would be more environmentally friendly and easier because it was flushable.The first thing I noticed is that I don't like flushing the litter.
Great Litter! I have had indoor cats for the past 25 years. I have always used clay clumping litter until 2 years ago when one of my cats came down with asthma. My vet suggested taking the cover off of the litter box but I have one cat who throws the litter out of the box. I did some research and ended up with Feline Pine and most recently World's Best Cat Litter. Both of these are much better for a cat's health and I have noticed fewer asthma attacks with my cat in particular. Clay litters scoopable and nonscoopable are toxic to people and pets. Their dust is carcinogenic and since one of my cats suffers from asthma which I believe is from the litter box I am determined to use the safest litter possible. One of the previous reviewers said there is a smell if the cat doesn't bury its business which is true. However I have had no problem with odor and find it soooo easy to clean the litter box with World's Best. It doesn't track as badly as the Feline Pine scoopable. Also who is the litter for anyway the cat or people? Many litters are made for people scented.
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