I'm impressed I have a 12 year old cat that used a Scoop Free box with Forever Tray and Just the Crystals litter for a number of years. A few months ago she started to poop just outside the box and this behavior increased until she was pooping outside the box almost 100% of the time. Thankfully she was still peeing in the box. I took her the vet and she is healthy so I decided I would try a new nonmechanized box with scoop litter instead of crystals.
It really worked for my cat! I can't believe this litter really solved our kitty's litter box problem. Our kitty stopped urinating in her box completey! I didn't think there was any hope. She was even urinating on our table.We are very pleased for our kitty to remain in our family and are thankful for Cat Attract cat litter.
Worked immediately for problem cat. I have 2 cats one female and one male. The male has never been a problem he always uses the litter boxes 1 upstairs and 1 downstairs no matter what kind of litter I have used. The female on the other hand would go in the litter boxes sometimes and sometimes not. Most of the time she would poop in the litter box but urinate right beside it or somewhere else entirely. So I put puppy training pads beside the boxes. For about a month she had taken to pooping in the living room about once a week. I had taken her to the vet to make sure she didn't have any kind of problem. Her decision to use or not use the litter boxes seemed to have no rhyme or reason no particular trigger.I was just about at my wit's end when I decided to stop by the local pet mart to see what I could find. I saw the Cat Attract Litter and decided to give it a try although I didn't have much expectation that it would work. So I brought home a bag along with a new cheap litter box just so it would start out clean with no old smells contained in it. Well it was a small miracle. I set down the new litter box started pouring in the Cat Attract Litter and my problem cat immediately ran over to sniff the litter. I had just barely gotten the litter in the box when she jumped in to go. And she has been using the litter boxes ever since for both #1 and #2 with no accidents at all. I also replaced the litter in the downstairs box with the Cat Attract. I clean the boxes morning and night and always sprinkle a little fresh litter over the top.I don't have any idea what attractant this litter contains all I can say is that it absolutely works! I am so happy to have found this litter. It is a little bit expensive but I don't think the price per pound is really any more expensive then the wellknownbrand of scoopable litter. And it is not bad at all if you sign up to receive emails to get coupons from the pet mart. I hope they never stop making this litter.
It really works! After having endless litter training problems I finally decided to let my cat be indoor/outdoor so she could go outside instead of on the living room rug. However I don't let her out at night and I always worry about the possibility that I'll move to an apartment or a bad neighborhood where she can't go out. Today I read online about Cat Attract and bought some from PetCo. I just watched her use the litter box unprompted for the first time in a year.
Don't know how but it works!! For a couple of years my cat has refused to poop in the litterbox. I tried everything from adding additional boxes boxes with and without hoods different types of litter sprays to keep him from problem areas plugins to 'calm' him.nothing worked. He would still only go #2 on the basement floor even though he had no problem urinating in the litter.With a new baby this was not a problem I was willing to deal with anymore. After searching online I found this product. I was hesitant especially given the high price as compared to the traditional litter brands but decided to try this as the last resort.Before I could even finish filling the litter box with this my cat was sniffing around and crawled right in. He used it right away and to my surprise even began to bury his mess which he has never done before. We've been using this litter for about a month now with only 2 accidents since the beginning both of which were probably my fault for skipping a day of scooping out the litter. We currently have 2 boxes out one with the 'old' litter and one with 'Cat Attract' and he is now using both litters and burying his messes in both boxes.I don't find this to be dust free as other reviewers and the bag say it is. However it does have far less dust than his other litter.Overall I would highly recommend this if you have a problem kitty and nothing else has worked. I don't know how this works but it does!!Update November 9 2011 Since I thought I had my cat's 'problem' under control I began slowly mixing in his old litter with the Cat Attract. I just topped it off a little each time hoping to transition him back to the original less expensive litter. It workedat first. Once the ratio of old litter to Cat Attract litter hit about 50/50 the problems returned. We had piles of poop next to the litter for three days in a row now. Needless to say I think we're going to have to go back to the Cat Attract. Luckily I found the 40 lb. bag at a much cheaper price only a few dollars more than the 20 lb. bag on Amazon at my local Mart for Petsif you know what I mean. I filled his box with the Cat Attract this morning and will update in a few days.Update December 15 2011 Only one poop outside of the litter since my last update. Pretty good for over a month! I am still keeping one box with Cat Attract and one box with Tidy Cats.
Works great! We had some outside the litter box issues with my cat and this stuff works really well. This plus Feliway got him using the litter box 100% of the time again.
It works! Just got 8 week old kittens last night and it only took them about 5 minutes in the bathroom before using it. I just plopped them in the litter and rubber their paws in it to show them it was theirs. I noticed that my local Petco sells this for $17 so I will be going there to get this there and save some money next time.
Impressed And Truly Amazed We have 8 cats and recently 2 of them were being 'bad' and having litter box issues. They were peeing on bath mats dog beds clothes bare floor and anything except the litter box. We tried all different types of litter and boxes and placements. The last straw was when we found the $5K sofa saturated in cat whizz. After some research I finally came across this stuff and stopped by the local PetSmart and got a bag. I poured it in a couple boxes showed the troubled cats the new litter and faster than you can say Please Use The Litter Box he was whizzing up a storm in it. It was one of the most impressive things I've ever witnessed when testing out a new product. On top of that one of the 'good' cats went right in immediately after it's initial use and dropped a dook. All 8 cats love this litterwe have boxes with this World's Best and Crystals. They don't even touch World's Best anymore and only barely use the crystals.As far as performance it's aboveaverage in my opinion. It clumps fast and hard doesn't smell and there's zero dust.
worked for us I have a five year old spayed female cat who suddenly began to urinate inappropriately in the house. We added an extra litterbox and filled it with Dr. Elsey's about a week ago. No messes yet! When i first set it up I placed the cat in the box she took one sniff of the litter and instantly peed in it. Now that's instant gratification! it's a little expensive. I guess you get what you pay for.
Great litter This has worked very well for my 2 huge Ragdoll boys. It clumps perfectly is the least dusty of all the litters I've tried and they've never gone outside of the box. I just tried their Precious Cat for multi cat households and it worked just as well but it looks to be a couple of dollars more per bag so I'll stick with whatever is the least expensive. Cost is my only complaint about this productI think it's way overpriced.
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