Useless Picked up a bag of this on recommendation from the lady at our neighborhood pet store.This litter consists of large sawdust pellets that are too big to fall through the scooper and as soon as they get wet they disintegrate into damp sawdust that smells rather piny and neutral but is impossible to scoop because it doesn't clump whatsoever. This is the opposite of how I want my litter to act. The dirty stuff falls through the scoop while the clean stuff gets stuck in it?I don't think my cats like the damp sawdust either. They ended up peeing on their bed even though this litter was clean.I'll be going back to my nicesmelling cornbased litter that actually acts like proper litter.
Bad product. I bought this because it is a green product. However it was more trouble then it worth. It's hard to scoop needs frequent changing it tracks worse around the house and it does nothing to control the cat smell issue.
Works for me combined with a clumping litter After much trialanderror with natural litters I found that Feline Pine doesn't work at all for my cats by itself. However I've been using it in combination with a natural clumping litter for a couple of months now and it has been satisfactory though I'm not really sure if the Feline Pine is much of an improvement over the clumping litter alone.When my experiment with World's Best Cat Litter utterly failed on all counts hated the smell clumping was terrible cats didn't like it I moved on to Nature's Miracle clumping cornbased litter but it tracked everywhere in the house. Since the cats adapted well to a complete changeover from WBCL to NM without problems I started a brand new box with Feline Pine alone. That was a mistake. My cats were utterly confused by the texture resulting in one refusing to use the box entirely. The other cat went in the box but didn't cover her mess. So I dumped the box and started again with 1 of Feline Pine on the bottom and 2 of Nature's Miracle on the top as the Feline Pine bag suggests. The cats gradually mix it up as they dig and what doesn't get clumped up in the Nature's Miracle gets absorbed by the Feline Pine so it seems to be a good combination for odor control though my husband says he can smell it. I end up scooping 1x to 2x a day and top off the box with the Nature's Miracle so there's always a good 23 of litter at all times. After two weeks which is about when all of the Feline Pine pellets have dissolved into sawdust I dump the box scrub and sanitize it and start over.To be honest I'm not sure that the odor control or tracking is any better with the combination of the two litters than with Nature's Miracle alone.
OVERPRICED HORSE BEDDING. This is the same exact thing as horse bedding. From a feed shop you can get a 3040 lb bag of wood pellets aka Feline Pine for 7 dollars.
Use it right & this stuff rocks! Feline Pine Original disintegrating pellets is best used with a sifting sandbox 2 piece [] The VanNess brand seems to have holes too big which let Feline Pine pellets through. It may be designed for sifting out poops. The bottom piece is a standard litter pan. The top piece has a sort of gratelike bottom which allows the used/disintegrated sawdust to filter through into the solid bottom box where it collects away from the fresh litter and kitty's paws. When liquid does go straight through it is absorbed by the sawdust underneath and can be scooped out to further eliminate odor I use a plastic spoon. After a bit of maintenance tedium through the change from another style of litter my cat is happy & healthy there is no litterbox odor and we have nothing to do with the stripmining & landfilling of traditional clay litter.
Best Cat Litter! I have two cats so I really needed a litter that would control odor and I wanted something safe for my kitties and the environment. Feline Pine is the BEST litter I could find by far. Even if you are not interested in being environmentally friendly this is a great litter.It took a little while for one of my cats to get used to it. At first I switched them completely over and one of my kitties started going outside the box. I went back to the old litter and started gradually mixing the pellets in for about two weeks. Now both my cats use only the Feline Pine without any problems. It completely masks the smell of urine and is pretty good at masking the smell of poop. It lasts awhile too since you really only have to scoop the solid waste until the pellets turn to sawdust.I had previously tried Nature's Miracle and World's Best Cat Litter. Neither of them dealt well with odor. Nature's miracle clumped nicely but it smelled soo bad! It stunk up our whole house. The WBCL had a slightly less offensive smell but the clumping capabilities were not as good as NM. Feline Pine doesn't clump but it doesn't need to since you don't scoop out the urine. With some litters like WBCL urine seeps to the bottom of the pan and creates a sticky smelly residue but with Feline Pine the urine doesn't even get to the bottom of the pan since it is absorbed immediately by the pellets.It's just a really great litter and it's not as expensive as a lot of other natural brands.
Feline Pine Cat liter When I could not find this product in the grocery stores I was glad to find that Amazon.com had it available. I recently stocked up on this brand of liter. I find this product suits me well and my cat does not have any problem with it as well. This product does not have a bad smell is easy to clean up. I know where to get my supply if I need more. Thank you Aamzon.
Cat Litter I love this stuff. It works so well and is so much better for the environment than traditional litters. It even helps with smells naturally.
Amazing product! This is by far the best cat litter! My 18 week old cat loves it. I originally selected this litter because it was nonclumping. Sheba is learning to use the Litter Kwitter toilet training system which requires nonclumping litter. She will not kick this litter out of the toilet tray and there is absolutely no smell associated with the pellets. It's great! I highly suggest it to anyone using the toilet training systems as well.
Good Idea. This product is a good idea but unfortunately it did not work out well for myself or my cats. I take in feral kittens and I love our planet so I was trying to do a 2 for 1 with this litter. Figured these cats would like to do their business on something more 'Earthy' since that is what they would be used to. Wrong. They used it once. It smelled and they never used it again. Pellets cannot be 'reused' like carbon litter can. Once these get pee'd on its all over seems like it would get expensive and smell after a while.I really really wanted to like this I really wanted to use it but I just could not. I give it 3 stars cuz it least it is a good idea and if I run out of litter I will use whats left in my closet.
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