best litter great litter. I started using it because I had a cat who had sensitive feet.
One of the best if not perfect Like many cat parents I'm still on the search for the PERFECT litter box setup but so far Nature's Miracle has won out over other litters I've tried. I started out with standard clay Petco's bulk which worked fine but after reading up on it decided I'd feel more comfortable with a natural litter.I first tried World's Best multicat unscented. I combined it with clay at first but the first thing I noticed was the HORRIBLE smell. The CLEAN World's Best smelled worse than a dirty litter box I could hardly stand it so I was concerned my cats wouldn't either. Also I noticed that the World's Best hardly clumped at all the wet waste just crumbled into mushy bits and was impossible to scoop. I don't remember it tracking much maybe a little more than the clay and a little less than the Nature's Miracle. The last straw was about a week after converting over to World's Best one of the cats had an 'accident' outside the box. I don't know if it was due to the litter but I decided to start over entirely with Nature's Miracle a recommendation from my neighborhood pet store.
Very good litter and ecofriendly too! I've been making a concerted effort to go green this year. One of the toughest things to address in that mission was the kitty litter. There are very few ecofriendly litters on the market and they all have pretty mixed reviews. I've used Nature's Miracle cleaners in the past and was happy with their performance so after a lot of research decided to give the litter a try as well.I got lucky on the first try! Both my boyfriend and I actually like this litter better than the clay based we were using before. There is no clay dust flying around anymore and we both find the mild fragrance smells like cedar to me not pine as described by others much more pleasant than the cloying overly perfumey fragrances in conventional kitty litters.We find that the odor control is comparable to the Arm & Hammer Multicat clumping litter we were using prior to this. It works fairly well but doesn't cover everything same as the Arm & Hammer. As with any litter you need to clean the box at least once per day to keep the odor under control.I also think that scooping is easier with this litter. The grains are small and light and slip through the slotted scooper easily. Waste clumps hard and easily. Have not had much problem with sticking to the box. The only real downside is that because it's so light it does track out near the box quite a bit. But that was true of the clay litter as well so no big deal.We're very pleased with this litter.
Failed odor control Pros Less dust / better for cat's health than clay litterCons Failed odor control for cat's and humanSince it still stinks even though my cat covers it well after he's done the cat's reluctant to use it next time and ends up taking care of his business somewhere else. He never does it with other kinds of clumping litters as long as I clean it everyday. Even with my various attempts such as cleaning twice a day sprinkling deodorizing powderetc it's not doing well at controlling odor and thus the cat refuses to use it.
good stuff for cats owners Natures Miracle makes many excellent products for pet owners. I get the littermake sure it is the original which is brown and not clay litterclumps beautifullykeeps box clean with no stickno odor at alland if you scoop the box daily or 2x daily you really don't need to change it for a couple weeks dependingjust add a littleit costs more than clay but the cats like it more and it is less work and less mess in the house.I also love the cleaning products. They work magic and I have also used them for clothing stains from food and grass recently and in the bathroom for what might have stainedremove organic stains very wellno muss and do not add waterjust a little liquid.
BEST CAT LITTER EVER! I have two cats and this is the best litter. NO DUST! clumps well I have the litter box in the bathroom so when i am in there i just scoop it out flatten and then i know when they have been in again. controls odor well. It is the least tracking of the litters i've tried and i just flush the clumps down the toilet. It doesn't say that but there have been zero issues for me so with that proceed at your own risk. Its corn! LOVE and well worth the money. One box ful lasts 23 wks for 2 cats for me.
Fantastic Litter This litter is the real World's Best. It clumps well kills smells is light non dusty and easy to clean. The only other litter that is as good is Precious Cat but it weights a lot.
clumps well but don't like the smell I've been using this for a long time with 6 cats in the house and I think it clumps really well. The reason I'm looking for a new brand however is because the smell is really getting to me. It's bad enough to smell the pee/poop smells but when you layer a perfumey smell on top of that it almost makes it worse. This heavy scent doesn't smell natural to me. I wish they made it in unscented I'd probably stick with it. Are you listening Nature's Miracle? Unscented please. I do like that it's biodegradable. It tends to track a bit but because it's such a good clumper I ignored the tracking. If it came in an unscented version I'd give it 4 stars. Enzymes are good as long as they're unscented.
Great odor control but tracks EVERYWHERE I tried this for a month and a half and I'm going back to World's Best. This stuff has the best odor control on the market. It's amazing. But it gets everywhere. Litter mats do not help and have to be cleaned just like everything else. I'm sick of finding litter in the couch my bed all over the house. also if kitty has the runs it sticks to kitty's bum and gulp paws and is really hard to wash off. Nope. Gotta go. I'm going to try their litter box spray with World's Best. I think that might be a win win.
Great littler when combined with cat/healthfriendly claybased litter I love that this litter is ecofriendly cathealth friendly etc.However it's a pain that it tracks so easily. We'd literally have to sweep our floors every time one of our cats would use it afterwards.So we've combined this with Arm & Hammer's claylitter for multicats and helps cut down on the tracking A LOT.With the two combined it works our best for us.
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