The best odor control litter on the market. I've tried quite a few varieties of cat litter. Clumping non clumping clay corn wheat crystal odor control you name it. This is the best odorcontrolling litter out of all that I've tried including Tidy Cats Scoop Crystals blend and crystal types of cat litter. Not sure what deodorizers they put in the clay but they're very potent. If odor control is your #1 priority as it often is in small apartments hence the name this is your litter.My cats also seem to have no complaints with this litter. The litter itself clumps well comes in a nicely shaped container for easy pouring and is not very dusty as the clay grains seem pretty solid. Unfortunately it does track and it tracks quite a bit. Get a good large litter mat and prepare to vaccuum a lot.
Doesn't Clump This litter is lousy! Urine doesn't clump and instead goes to the bottom of the litter box and sticks to the sides. Then breaks apart and mixes with the clean litter when you try to scoop it up. It also reeks a strong ammonia smell when scoping it out.
Worst. Litter. Ever. Whoever said this smelled like rotten oranges after the first poop is completely correct. This litter is terrible. I think the main problem is that it doesn't dry out the poop so the smell lingers and mixes with the orange scent to create a horrific odor. Even scooping the litter box twice a day is not enough and each time is an ordeal as you're forced to face the powerful odor up close. Worse yet it tracks like crazy. The only one positive this litter has is that there is no dust storm created when pouring into a litter box. I switched to Fresh Step Scoopable MultiCat which does create a dust storm but it's 100% better at controlling odor since it does dry out poop. After trying a slew of different cat litters I think I'll stick with that one. Odor is a huge issue for a small 1BR apartment and Tidy Cat Small Spaces does NOT live up to its name.
RECOMMENDED BY AN OCD CLEAN FREAK I absolutely love this litter. I have tried many other types of litter and even World's Best litter didn't compare to how well this works. This litter controls odors extremely well. I detest the smell of a cat box and there's nothing worse than walking into someone's house and smelling that nasty poop odor. It was imperative for me a clean freak to have the best litter for odor control and cleanliness. This litter has done what it says it would do. I have never smelled urine or feces from my cat's box just a smell of oranges. Yes the orange smell is a bit cloying but it beats the alternative hands down. I have never noticed dust.
Absolutely vile scent I have two indoor cats who eat a lowresidue diet and I scoop the litter daily so there's never much waste in the cat box to begin with. I agree with others who say that it is great at deodorizing litter box odors I haven't smelled cat waste since I started using this. However I won't be purchasing the product again because the deodorant in the litter smells absolutely disgusting. The best way I can describe it is overripe or rotting fruit to me there is nothing fresh or natural in the odor just a cloying overly sweet chemical smell kind of like when oranges go moldy. Not only is the scent very bad it is also very strong. I keep the litter box in the downstairs bathroom and I can smell the litter throughout the entire house. I just poured the last of the litter into the cat box tonight and am looking forward to buying my regular litter again this weekend it doesn't contol cat waste odors as well but frankly cat waste smells less offensive than this stuff.
The best litter on the market. I have been using this brand of litter for 13+ years. Once for two cats and now for just one. I currently live in an apartment and purchased the small spaces and it does wonderfully. It has a very light watermelon type scent and it clumps perfectly every time. After my cat goes number one or two covers it up and then steps in it every blasted time! it still does not stick to his little paws. It really keeps down the smell.
Many cats and litter works I bought the Tidy Cats Small Space just to try it. The first thing I noticed was the orange smell to me it was not overwhelming. I have 6 cats and have used every kind of litter made. I do a litter change every 710 days and the litter will keep the urine and feces smell in check even at the end of the change cycle. I have one cat who has really smelly poops and this is the only litter that works for her. My friend who takes care of my cats when I am out of town even asked what kind of litter I had switched to as she really noticed a difference when she cleaned the boxes. She has now switched and is also pleased. I have used this litter for over a year now. My only wish is that is that it clumped as tight as Scoop Away it is not as good as that brand in the clumping respect but I have to say it does clump better than many other brands. I can not tell any difference in the tracking amount from any other litter I have used.
Best cat litter we have tried Just had to say we have 7 cats and have tried every kind of litter. We love this one for small spaces. The granules are big enough it does not track beyond the rug in front of the box and I never smell anything which is amazing! It scoops so easy you don't really have to shake the litter spoon the clean litter just falls through the slots. Lot less work and seems to last longer than what we have tried. We used litters made of corn like Fresh Results Arm and Hammer natural which are so light they track all over the house and onto our bed etc. The smell was still there too. The world's best cat litter was heavier like clay so didn't track as much at all but smelled awful all the time and tended to break down into powder which settled all over the counter and floor near the box. We originally changed from using clay because of the dust but this Tidy Cats for small places isn't dusty at all. Thought the cost was high but actually works out to about the same or little less than the others we have used because they didn't last as long and you didn't get as much with them so we always had to purchase two containers of them.
This is the worst of cat litters even when it is brand new and fresh the smell is putrid and noxious!!! This is the worst cat litter I have ever tried. I just bought on Monday and washed out the litter box and filled with Tidy cat small spaces. The next morning my entire bedroom smelled like a foul citrusy dirty cat box even though the box was fresh. The smell is nauseating and so strong I had to move the box outside into the living room just to be able to sleep. I will never repurchase and have to wash and throw away all the entire new box in just 3 days of useage.
Clumps Start To Break Apart A few months ago I decided to do my own independent testing of major clumping litters in search of one that would work best for my cats.Methodology2 cats4 litter boxes1 month with daily scooping.Products tested avg 20lbs per litter boxTidy Cats Power BlendTidy Cats Instant ActionArm and Hammer Super Scoop Fresh Clean ScentScoop Away Fresh ScentResultsScoop Away won hands down at clumping even after a month.
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