It's Kitty Litter Almost dust free and works well for our multicat family. Does not track as much as most nonclumping litter.
Good for urine not for poop. This litter is ok. Its literally hard little white balls of different sizes. Largest i think is the size of a lima bean. It soaks up the urine great. Since ive had it i havent smelled her urine. However because the granules are large and not like normal litter my cat has had a hard time covering up her poop. Now she just does her business and leaves it there. When she first tried she got like 23 granules to stick before she gave up. It was like looking at those large pretzels with 34 salt granules on it. Good try but it didnt work.So now the only smells i get from her box are from her poop. To top that off you cant use your basic litter shovel. The way the spaces are in the shovels the graanules are too large to fall through so you find yourself delicately picking up sparsely speckled poop and dark colored granules from where you think they pee'd on.I think they should add a color activating agent in the litter so you know if they peed on it or if its just discoloration. Also i think consumers should buy this in conjunction with a basic cat litter so that the granules can asborb the urine and ammonia smell and the regular litter can coat and mask the poo smell.Also this litter doesnt work well with a sifter. Youll be sifting all day before one granule falls through lol. And if it wasnt obvious by the name it doesnt cause dust at all.
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