Omega Paw Self-Cleaning Litter Box, Pewter
Interesting idea poor result I thought the idea was interesting and decided to give it a shot given the large number of positive reviews.After using the box for about a month I think I'll be going back to a more traditional box. Here's why1 Even using pretty good clumping cat litter you still get chunks that stick to the walls of the box and end up needing to give the box a thump or two so it loosens. Even then it will require a good scrub every now and then.2 It's pretty hard to avoid spilling litter out of the box when you roll it. The opening where you slide in the catch tray for used clumps does little to keep the catch tray in place as you roll it and is pretty crudely cut so as the it moves around a bit when rolling. You could go to the trouble of holding it in place as you roll but when you're trying to get the stuck clumps off the sides of the box this can prove difficult.
Amazing Invention This litter box is amazing. Just received it today and had refilled the old litter box a few days ago. It had a ton of litter clumps in it so to test out the new box I dumped the entire litter box into the Omega Paw. My daughter was home and we both watch fascinated as we slowly turned the box. All the clean litter disappeared inside the filtered area leaving only the clumps. All the clumps go to the top when it's rolled upside down then into the catch box when you turn it back again. When it's on the floor you roll it just a little and all the clean litter comes back out of the filter area. Amazing. Easy. Simple. Almost fun. Not to mention fast! I would have spent several minutes scooping filtering bagging. This did all that in about 10 seconds.
Good but with problems I have two of these for two fussy kitties we rescued. They are a great idea and makes life easy when they're working well. My houseguests are always amazed when I demo it for them and I've recommended them to many people for the balance of functionality and price. I've had them for about three years and have learned some things along the way. The kind of litter you use matters. I've found that ever clean works well but of course it is more expensive. The amount of litter in the gizmo matters. Too little and your cats won't like it too much and things go wrong in a hurry.
Satisfied Bought this in preparation for bringing home an adopted shelter cat. She took to it immediately. So easy to empty it really makes a major chore take about 30 seconds. Works particularly well with
Great Litter Box! I was skeptical at first because one of our three cats is pretty finicky about her business. All three of them use this box and it works just as it claims. We use a wheat based clumping litter that works great with the box. I'm very satisfied with this purchase so much so that I am considering buying another one since we have three cats. It also looks much better than the standard open top box or even most domed boxes.
AMAZING!!!! CLEAN!! EFFORTLESS!! PRIVATE!! My cat LOVES this litter box. If you have a Maine coon like I do I would recommend getting the LARGE box. I had to upgrade from the medium to the large when Jackson became an adult.This litter box is SO simple. After I roll the litterbox I pound the bottom with the heel of my hand just to make sure I'm breaking loose all the wet litter that's stuck to the bottom.
Same 'ole same 'ole I'll keep it short folks its a litter box and its like all the rest as far as smells go. If you don't clean it often its gonna smell even with the high quality odor eliminating litter! And you HAVE TO USE A QUALITY CLUMPING CAT LITTER in this design I would hate to see the outcome if you didn't!The design where you tip it way over and then back to easily collect the clumps in the drawer is pretty good but would have been a lot better if the box had been constructed in a way that didn't feel so cheap and flimsy. I mean it works good but will it hold up to numerous uses and openings and closings? That is where I have my doubts as the THIN plastic slide locks that lock the top to the bottom are very generic and sometimes you have to work to get them to actually latch. And the box is somewhat divided inside due to the litter screen that is supposed to keep the good litter in and the clumps over to the slide out tray. I would say as big as it looks on the outside and we got the biggest one the actual 'potty area' is a tad smaller than a normal open box so barely room for a cat to turn around much less cover the potty the way they like. Sometimes my cat actually exits the box to turn around and get at the area to cover up!In summary I like the overall design of the clump removal system but they should have put more quality into the construction and the the actual area the cat uses should be a lot bigger. Considering those factors I would say its a bit overpriced.
Not the greatest Would send this back if shipping wasn't so high. I have accidendly spilled dirty cat litter a couple of times because it keeps comingapart when I roll it. And yes I have put it together correctly & made sure it was latchedbut the latches have a tendency to come unlatched! It's a great concept if it would just stay together.
A mess to clean After an initial honeymoon period when the litterbox was still new therefor relatively clean and easy to keep clean I was very happy with the purchase.THEN after my cat had about of very loose stools it became a nightmare to keep clean. The loose poop which is covered by litter gets caught in the straining grate. The entire box must be disassembled and cleaned out and it is very difficult to get the poop out from between the bars of the grate.Also by chance this weekend I was watching a show on cats on Animal Planet. The cat expert talked about this exact box and said that it was bad for cats in the very way it is constructed. When you roll the box from side to side to redistribute the litter the sides get coated with the scent of urinea complete turn off for cats! I have noticed that no matter how clean I keep this box both my cats have been opting for our more old fashioned and much easier to clean though less private litter box.Sadly this box was not a solution for us for easy litter box cleaning.

Ships in Certified Frustration-Free Packaging.Waste collects in the pullout tray for quick, easy disposal.Effectively controls dust and contains odors.Ideal for big cats or multiple-cat households.Large litter box self cleans by rolling to the right and back again. The Roll Away Self Cleaning Litter Box cleans in just seconds without scooping. Inside the litter box there is a unique patented grill that separates out the clumped waste, depositing it into the pullout tray. The Large Litter Box is great for big cats or for multiple cat households.
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