Healthy Pet Dust-Free Cat Litter - 12 lb
Let me introduce you to my litter friend! This is the BEST litter I've found for several reasons and I've tried most of them!1 It doesn't track everywhere!!!! This is the only litter I've encountered that can be completely easily and quickly swept up. Unlike granules of sandy litter the pieces you see are the ONLY pieces that have made their way out of the box so it is possible to actually capture every last piece of errant litter. And if you do happen to step on a piece it doesn't feel like you've impaled your foot on a shard of broken glass which is the case with silica/pearl litter our cat rejected 2 kinds of pearl litter.2 Our previously problematic cat uses it Why would I use a pearl litter when I can use Mom and Dad's bed?!! Conan 1.5 yrs old who at one point used Cat/Kitten Attract litter exclusively because he failed to adapt to so many other kinds took to it without any problem. I mixed it with his old litter at first Tidy Cat but the next batch o' fresh litter was all DustFree Fiber.3 It's lightweight. Last night was the first time I did a complete box cleaning with this product and pouring the entire contents of the box into a trash bag was MUCH easier than with traditional litter I didn't wind up with the backache that usually accompanies this activityalways a plus!.
Cat with Diarrhea About two weeks ago I adopted from the Humane Society a 7monthold Manx who has issues with diarrhea. He's been to the vet and is now under treatment for a bacterial infection so hopefully the runny poop will clearup in the next week or so. The kitty uses his litter box religiously but is so intent in covering every drop of the runny poop that he throws clean and soiled litter everywhere and tracks small pieces of it into the tub shower and all over the floor which at one point forced me to clean a large bathroom three times in a 36hour period we are talking about a wipe down and mopping with bleach and water and then a rinse. I tried cornbased litters in his box I like to use these in an electronic litter box that I have for the other indoor cat and crystal litters one of my favorite litters. The corn litter was extensively tracked by the cat and further tracked by me to other areas of the house when I left the bathroom creating a new job of daily vacuuming. The crystal litter decreased the tracking but with the cat's extreme covering techniques in a covered litter box the silicon litter was dusty and I worried about it getting into his lungs and into mine as I scooped.Then I tried the Healthy Pet litter. What a wonderful solution!1 The litter adheres and clumps around the runny poop which has decreased the time the cat spends trying to cover it2 The litter absorbs the poop odor quite well and the urine. However I am scooping and changing the litter once a day or more to help prevent the cat from being reinfected by his litter i.e. I don't know how long the odor control and urine absorption would last under other conditions.3 The litter tracking also decreased. To decrease the tracking further I have started using an old litter box I made several years ago out of a plastic storage container about 15 high 18 long with a round hole cut out of the lid for entrance and exit. This has cut the litter tracking down to almost nothing.4 As noted by another reviewer what little litter is tracked is easy to spot and sweep up due to its larger size and so far none of it appears soiled which has cut down on cleaning the bathroom!5 I have detected little dust with the litter.
Does not contain smell my cat tracks it more than regular cat litter Based on the glowing reviews of this product I thought it would be a great litter to try. Unfortunately it just does not contain the smell at all the instant my cat relieves herself it's game over.I also thought that this would track less it tracks everywhere! My dog also thinks these litter granules are snacks so it's tough to keep them away from the dog without sweeping every five seconds.The one bonus is that the fiber is MUCH lighter than traditional cat litter so it's easy to carry the bag and there's more litter than you'd expect in a 12 lb bag.
Dust free??? Are you kidding me? I will never buy again. In my search for less dust in litter I came across this brand. Horrible!!! More dust than any other I have tried the cats tracked it all over they didn't like it at all and you couldn't scoop it without taking half the litter with you.
Healthy Litter I'm very particular about the products I use with my cats especially since one is asthmatic. Of all the litters on the market this is the one we will probably stick with for now. Clay grain pine and silica litter all have extreme downsides for cat health as well as for the human scooping it paper is the least toxic option available. Because of the color of this litter its not as hard to distinquish used vs. unused litter as something like Yesterdays News so its easier to maintain and control odors. I don't notice much of an odor with this litter. The only thing I don't like is that it tracks everywhere I have a tiny apartment and find myself vacuuming litter from the whole apartment every day.
If you have a ferretget this! I can't give this stuff a high enough complimentalmost no dust at all no small granules keeps urine odor down but doesn't become to caked.
excellent This produst was delivered on time and packaged very well. The Dust Free litter is everything that they said it would be my cats seem to be using it with out a problem. I wish this product was sold near me because the shipping cost is as much as the product cost. But that is the only issue I have with the product.

12-lb bag. Healthy Pet Dust Free Fiber Cat Litter is pure cellulose cat litter. It absorbs 2 times its weight in odor causing liquids and is fortified with odor shield for maximum ammonia control. Completely free of crystalline silica dust.
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- Healthy Pet Dust-Free Fiber Cat Litter (12 lb. Bag) Great product excellent service.  
This post is a very informative!
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