Swheat Scoop Multi Cat Natural Wheat Cat Litter
NOT so flushable I bought this product thinking it would be a great alternative to clay litter. I live in a small apartment building and only have a 6 mo. kitten. I studiously cleaned out the litter once every two days and flushed it as the instructions state. Still this litter caused a major clog that backed up the toilet AND tub of the apartment below mine. Plumbers had to roto up to my apartment and down to the main sewage system for 4 hours to clear the numerous cementlike clogs that were caused by this litter. I emailed the company with my complaint and had the following response from Mark Hughes General ManagerI wanted to write so you knew that our litter cannot clog a pipe. If you want to see how it reacts in water just put some in a bowl of water. You will see that it does not stay clumped does not stay hard and cannot bind enough to clog a pipe. Wheat is biodegradable and will breakdown in water. I would bet your pipes are plugged from clay litters which are not biodegradable and will clog a pipe.Since I've never used clay litter and Mr. Hughes could not have known one way or the other in the first place I have to say that not only is the product not as advertised but the customer service is also SERIOUSLY lacking. I will not be using this product at any time in the future.

25-lb bag. Wheat Litter and Why It's Better..
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