Tidy Cats Scoop 24/7 Performance - 14 lb
Clumps Start To Break Apart A few months ago I decided to do my own independent testing of major clumping litters in search of one that would work best for my cats.Methodology2 cats4 litter boxes1 month with daily scooping.Products tested avg 20lbs per litter boxTidy Cats Power BlendTidy Cats Instant ActionArm and Hammer Super Scoop Fresh Clean ScentScoop Away Fresh ScentResultsScoop Away won hands down at clumping even after a month. Where the others would eventually start to break apart into small pieces Scoop Away as the box describes clumps tight and rarely did so. However it loses a point for being dusty out of the box and its obnoxious perfumey smell. I could always tell when one of my cats had been to the little box. The perfume would waft behind them. Though I suppose that was better than the alternative.Tidy Cats my staple for years had the least obtrusive odor and was the least dusty from the start. However it never clumped as tightly as the others. After about a week and a half the resulting clumps broke apart easily. The Power Blend aka Premium Scoop was a huge disappointment. It didn't perform anywhere near as well as the Instant Action aka plain old Scoop. Its clumps started to break apart within days. Although not a part of this test I've noticed in the past that Tidy Cats Small Spaces another Premium Scoop also never performed as well the regular scoop.Arm & Hammer clumped well but was perfumey and very dusty the entire time.Cats' opinionNone. They didn't seem to favor one over the other.
Major Dust Combined With Sickly Perfume I can't believe all the glowing reviews for this product. It's creepy. Clouds of dust drift upwards whenever you gently run the scoop through it. The dust then settles on every surface of the room. Not to mention your handswell ok let's mention them. I scrub my hands after using this stuff and I swear the sickly sweet perfume odor cannot be washed off! My hands stink of grandmother perfume for an hour afterwards as though I had been building sand castles on a cat litter beach. And this is just from touching the scoop and being in the vicinity of the ominous dust cloud. Yikes. At least when strangers visit they don't immediately comment on your owning a cat. No instead it's Oh does your grandmother live with you? And what's up with all the white powder? I thought people quit that stuff back in the '80s.
Finally an odor free apartment!! Living in an apartment it's hard to keep it smelling clean when there's a cat around. I was using Arm & Hammer for a few months until I realized it wasn't doing a damn thing about odor. I bought the clumping multiple cats Arm & Hammer litter but even after my cat would use the litter box once it would imminently stink up the place! Finally I decided to buy a new brand and this one works amazing! I live in a one bedroom apartment and you could imagine how hard it is to keep it odor free I've had this litter for two days and already I notice a BIG difference. I come back from school/work after a few hours of not cleaning the box and the apartment smells fine no nasty kitty poop and pee smell! This is a big sigh of relief. And the stuff clumps up pretty well almost leaves no residue behind. Will definitely continue buying this product.
Inexpensive And Pretty Good As far as scoopable cat litter goes this one is slightly above average. It clumps well and does a decent job containing odors. A 14 pound jug lasts for about a month if you have just one cat.Dust is a bit of an issue but not as much as with say
Smelled up the entire basement! First of all let me say that I've bought my last package of Tidy Cats after being a customer for over 30 years. You know a litter is useless when it can stink up a 1500 sq. ft. basement with great ease. This litter has been changed by the company Purina to the point that renders it useless. Hubby just took back two 37 pound pails of this stuff after we went down to our basement and about keeled over from the smell. I threw out the rest of the litter dumped it from the boxes yes Persians require TWO boxes per cat to do their business! and refilled them with Arm & Hammer. The A&H is amazing no odor whatsoever! LOVE that stuff! Plus the Tidy Cats was jamming the automatic litter box coating the edges leaving me with a hugely disgusting mess to clean DAILY. It's thicker not as finely ground as before with NO odor control. This 24/7 one was the one I just pitched. You know it's pretty bad when the cat comes upstairs and paws your leg to get you to change the box he only used once.
My cats like this and so do I There are some really cute cat commercials on TV at the moment most about cat litter. I think mine would say Thanks mom for switching to Tidy Cats. Now I don't have to go to the Vet as often.I previously was using another brand that was very DUSTY both when scooping and when my cat was burying her messes. All the dust was affecting her sinuses. Before I realized what the problem was and how to correct it my vet bills were enormous. On one occasion she even stopped eating and before we could find the cause her sinuses it was to the point where she was going to have a feeding tube inserted!The dust from the previously used litter was so bad I had to dust the furniture every other day. Tidy Cat on the other hand has a dust control system which eliminates 99.6% of airborne dust.I use the Multi Cat formula as I have two cats. I scoop once a day and there seems to be no odor problem. In fact even though I live in a fairly small 2 bedroom condo whenever I have friends over no one can tell I have any pets at all and believe me I have some friends who WOULD say something if they smelled the litter boxes.
great litter! This is the only stuff we'll buy we have 3 cats it clumps well and the dust kicked up is kept to a minimum in comparison to MANY other brands we've tried.
Not That Great I'm on a frustrating hunt for a good kitty litter and I still have not found it! In reading previous reviews about low dust HUH? Ok. I have two kitties for one year now. I live in a small place so the litter box shares a small spare bedroom. I just happened to move the box into the bedroom at the exact same time I switched to Tidy Cats Litter [this brand and the more expensive one]. Within 810 days of this switch EVERYthing in the near vicinity of the box is COATED in dust. The windows the chair the dresser Sickening!!1. The appearance of the Tidy Cats pellets are slightly bigger than other clay pellets not as 'sandy' in GENERAL. While I definitely like that it's also somewhat of an illusion as there is plenty of sand within that case once you start pouring it out.2. Odor control is pretty good. I give it fine on that one. But I'm also a diligent pooperscooper & box keeper so. But it's fine.3. Tracking. Ridiculous! Twice a day I'm there with my little sweeper & pan around the box and down the hallway. Yes.. down the entire hallway!4. The Dust. Like I said really bad. I had a clean room to start and I am BLOWN away that everything is now coated!! Why does this have to be so hard?? These kitties are so darn cute why do I have to sacrifice my house to love them??? I'm not saying I won't Because of course I will. But you can bet I will keep searching for a better answer. [p.s. NOT as dusty as Arm&Hammer & Petco. If those are 9's on Dust I'd give this a 78.

14-lb jug. The long-lasting odor control of 24/7 Performance helps keep your week worry-free. The deodorizing system helps keep odors under control around the clock, while strong clumps make clean-up easy. It locks in moisture, which gives it powerful odor control. It also creates strong clumps, which makes for easy clean-up. It's also 99.6% dust free.Tidy Cats Scoop Multi Cat 24/7 Performance Litter Available in 14 lb., 20 lb. and 27 lb. sizes.
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