Swheat Scoop Natural Wheat Cat Litter Bag, 40-Pound
Size: 40 Pound
Having used this product for over a year I can say that it's a very good litter. We have three cats but I use the regular formula not the multicat. We keep the litter box in a 4' x 5' basement bathroom with the door usually closed and a cat flap in the door for access. We scoop it once a day. We have never had a problem with odor or bugs. With three cats the 12 lb box usually lasts about two weeks so while it may be more expensive poundforpound it absorbs more liquid by weight than clay litter so the cost difference disappears. It's flushable so you're not dealing with a wastebasket of clumps sitting for a week until trash day. In response to some of the other reviews yes the clumps are softer than clay litter but if you're dealing with a flushable product you don't want rockhard clumps clogging up your sewer pipes. And if you're dealing with huge gelatinous clumps either you're not cleaning your litter box often enough or your cat has a kidney problem.
Extra Tasty Dog Treats Both my cat and dog love to eat this! ha ha!I guess you must think the cat is underfed? Or bored? Ooooh I agree. So I joined a cat toilet training group on the internet!!! Hey it gives the lazy cat SOMETHING to do! what does YOUR cat do all day? I'm vegan so I'm used to all the negative comments. My cat does not become trained to do something that he does NOT want to do. It's just not possible. Have you ever tried to train any animal? So now the cat is Not BORED nor is he underfed. ha ha now he gets soft canned cat food or bonito tuna flake treats for accomplishing his Toilet training trick.
My mother asked what the pleasant smell was in my house! And I have 7 cats! She was really worried before she came to visit that my house would smell of cats and liter but instead she wanted to know what that smell wasLavender? she asked I have 5 liter boxes and 7 cats. The only time you might smell the urine is if you've left it gone a bit too long and then not until you start to scoop.I bought this liter because it is environmentally friendly.There is minimal dust and minimal tracking. Of course there is some but it seems to travel far less then most.I have not observed any of my 7 very different personality cats eat any of it.They have a frequent buyer program if you buy 12 of the same size and type you will get a free bag.
moths Stay away from this product. At first it seemed to be working really great. Then I noticed some movement in the litter bin and I am not refering to BM and discovered it had a nice colony of mealy worms. Eventually we had a moth problem throughout the house. Swheat scoop folks really didn't have a solution but also did not deny that the litter was the problem.
Best litter yet I love this cat litter.It clumps well has virtually no odor and flushes easily. I don't dread changing the cat box anymore! I keep a small bucket and scoop next to the box and simply scoop the clumps every couple of days and flush them. No more stinky perfumes or plastic bags. It also seems to absorb the urine really well so I don't have the ammonia smell I had with Tidy Cats or Fresh Step. The clumps appear dry and scoop very easily.I have not noticed any bugs or anything like thatI did used to find tiny spiders in my old litter Tidy Cats and Fresh Step.
Too expensive Why is it SO expensive? A 40 lb bag in Petco is on sale for $27.99 originally $34.99 Otherwise I love the product. I am willing to sacrifice the odor control to keep my kitties healthy. You just have to clean out the box more regularly and use an odor absorbing gelpack nearby works fine for me.
No No No It's litter. Cat's will use it. But really are you sure you want them to?1 No odor control.2 Creates an ungodly odor when mixed with cat urine. I would go so far as to say it's vomit inducing.3 It sticks to the bottom of the box so that you're going at it at every angle to scoop it off the bottom. I have some sturdy scoops they've held but but we've worked at it together to clean that box.4 Gooey sticky clumps.5 Too light that it just flies across the room tracking it everywhere in the houseYes it's environmentally friendly. As we were trying to transition to this and we've used it for about 3 months now we recently purchased clay litter again we have 5 boxes in our house yes insane I know 3 in the unfinished basement and two on our main level. There are 2 out of 5 boxes with clay. they're the ONLY boxes the cats are using.I agree with them.
Dust and respiratory issues My wife and I have used this product for some time now. When it first came out they claimed no dust. Well there was always dust but because it was natural and scooped we decided to keep using it. This was a big mistake. This litter tracks all over the house and has ruined 2 vacuum cleaners because the dust is so fine it bypasses the bag and enters / cloggs the motor mechanisms.We have 3 cats that all are suffering terribly from respiratory issues caused by the dust from this litter. If you don't believe that there's dust as some of the reviews have claimed then just simply OPEN YOUR BLINDS on your windows allow the sunlight to come into the room / the boxes you're scooping and then scoop it or move it around in the box. You won't believe the huge amount of microfine dust that billows out of the boxes. You can't see these dusts in standard interior light but if the sun is bright enough shining through the window it's amazing how far up this stuff travels. Imagine being inside a box scratching away @ this litter and breathing in all that dust. No wonder why our cats always appear sick.Google Swheat Litter and respiratory issues and you'll find others who've had the same problem. I've caused my cats enough grief and we're switching to something better.EDITI'm editing my review without changing anything written above as I've read more of the other reviews posted here about how wonderful this cat litter is. I need to reiterate my thoughts so whomever buys this product gets to make a better educated decison for themselves on how wonderful it is based upon factual evidence that they can create and see for themselves and not just go by some BS review of praise. Yeah it clumps and it saves money but there's more to it than that.Buy a bag or box or whatever size you like of the litter. Put it in a cat box and let it sit for a day hour week. it doesn't matter. OPEN YOUR BLINDS ON YOUR WINDOW AND SHAKE THE BOX IN THE SUNLIGHT ! Move it around with a SCOOP ! do whatever it takes to make the stuff move around in the box short of throwing it around. WATCH THE DUST BILLOW UPWARDS like a cloud rising up from a fire. You won't believe it. These particles are so microfine that they lift upwards and into your face as you're scooping. Now imagine how your cat is doing being right in there in that dust. You can't see the dust as it's too fine unless you move it around in sunlight.
Pluses & Minuses.. I have 2 spayed female cats. Neither are vigorous diggers there are two large litter pans side by side. Neither cat is fussy about litter type.Pluses flushable my top reason for use I don't have trash service acceptable clumping but I have never used the clay litters to compare non toxic & no lung choking perfumes I am bothered by potent odorsMinuses cost to eliminate odor you must add an additional product for best results you have to clean box daily cost it's a byproduct of wheat production that is likely swept up off a factory floor somewhere wrapped in a fancy brand name and sold at TOP DOLLARNotes & Suggestions I have found that the urine sinks to the bottom and sticks there. If I tip the box so the dry litter is out of the way then I can scoop out just the clumped litter and any granules that break off. This helps to reduce odor. Every time after I scoop the box I sprinkle baking soda over the top. I find that it sticks to the pee soaked clumps so it must be replenished. I don't put new litter in every time instead I let the level get lower and lower. Then at the end of the week I completely dispose of everything in the box wash the box with diluted bleach and soap refill with fresh litter. Without baking soda this stuff does small like warm bread that's been peed on I can't imagine what the corn based stuff must smell like?! I have smelled corn based products cat food corn gluten fertilizer chicken food & chicken poop which smells identical BTW etc.. and they are revolting to me.
Great litter for people with certain allergies Obviously if you have a sensitivity to wheat this would not apply to you. But as an asthmatic I find litter box cleaning with clay litter to be unbearable. I end up coughing and wheezing from the dust and chemical perfumes. Luckily this has never been an issue with this product. I started using Swheat Scoop in 2007 maybe before that and I have never had any issues with dust or bugs.Frankly the bug issue is not as big of a deal as I have been reading in other reviews. This is exactly what can happen with allpurpose flour too. These bugs are notorious for finding their way into pantries and I am sure they can get into this litter if improperly stored in a warehouse. Just treat this litter like you already should be handling flour wheat bread and similar food in your pantry which is a place that is much more likely to have meal worm issues.The clumping is not the same as with clay litter. That is the clumps don't form into one neat ball. But I don't find it hard to clean the box with this litter. It does actually clump and only forms a bunch of little balls as someone mentioned if you break it apart with the scooper. I use a very large scoop to prevent that. As for the smell there is barely any scent to the litter itself and it only stinks if you are cleaning your box any less than once a day which is not enough for any type of litter. The website actually had a couple of tips for clumping adding cooking spray or a sheet of wax paper to the bottom of the box and sprinkling a bit of baking soda to help with clumping and odor.Since there are pros and cons to everything you really have to weigh what you would rather deal with. In my experience I would much rather deal with litter that does not clump neatly into one ball than with dusty perfumey litter that makes it hard to breath.
Size: 40 Pound. Swheat Scoop Natural Wheat Litter is a great way to get rid of litter odor with ease. It can prevent odor naturally based on patented processes.. This formula contains natural wheat enzymes that work towards neutralizing litter box odor. Irrespective of the number of cats you own, Swheat Scoop Natural Wheat Litter works its way through unpleasant odor.
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